

5 Doable New Year's Resolution Ideas for Mamas

ByNiño QuizonJanuary 26, 2023
happy asian mom with her son
A New Year's resolution is a tradition in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people starting from New Year's Day. These promises are usually made at the start of a new year in order to make a fresh start and to improve oneself in some way.
Research has also shown that people who set specific, measurable, and attainable goals are more likely to achieve them than those who don't set any goals at all. Even if people don't achieve all of their resolutions, the process of setting and working towards them can still be beneficial for personal growth.
For Mommy Hazel, she made sure her resolutions are both specific and attainable.
Here are her 5 doable new year's resolution ideas for mamas!
1.) Spend less time on the phone.
Some ways to reduce phone usage is actually as simple as setting specific times of day when you will not use your phone, such as during meals or before bed. You can also use apps or specific settings to track and limit your phone usage. The most important thing is to be mindful of your phone usage, and to make conscious choices about when and how you use your phone.
2.) Have more bonding times with family
Making a conscious effort to prioritize family time can make a big impact on relationships.By scheduling regular family activities such as game nights, movie nights, or trips, it can improve relationships and strengthen family bonds.You can also take a family vacation or weekend getaway, start a new tradition or hobby together, or even as simple as eating dinner together as a family as often as possible.
3.) Be more patient with kids
Having more patience with children can be a challenging but worthwhile resolution to make. Children can test our patience in various ways, but developing more patience can lead to a more positive and peaceful home environment. You can do this by practicing mindfulness and deep breathing techniques to help stay calm in difficult situations. You can also find positive ways to redirect children's behavior rather than getting angry or frustrated. And ofcourse, Taking a break or walking away if you feel your patience beginning to run out is also part of this resolution.
4.) Show more appreciation
Showing more appreciation is a great resolution to make as it can improve relationships and make people feel valued. To start, make a habit of expressing appreciation in different ways, not only verbally but also through body language, attitude and behavior. You can also try saying "thank you" more often and being specific about what you are thankful for.
5.) Give more hugs and kisses
Giving more hugs and kisses is a great resolution to make as it can improve relationships and show love and affection. You can also start finding little moments of the day to give kisses and hugs, like when someone comes home from work, or when you wake up in the morning. However, always be mindful of personal boundaries and respecting if someone doesn't want to be hugged or kissed.
So mamas, what are your resolutions this year? It’s never too late to set them.
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