

A Message from our Momager this Mother's Day

ByEdamama Editorial TeamMay 10, 2024
On Mother’s Day in 2020, in the thick of the pandemic, we took the edamama platform live. On the back of a 100 sqm warehouse, a passionate team and a command center that was our living room couch, our online orders started trickling in. Months of hard work, building and planning all culminated in this magical moment. Like childbirth, the memories of our launch will forever live in my heart, and I couldn’t be more proud of how far we’ve come since then.
Four million product deliveries over four years later, our mission hasn’t changed. edamama was, is, and will always be about honoring motherhood, never losing sight of the heart of the family - the Mama, Maa, Nanay, Ina, Inay, Mom, Mother, Mummy, Mum
As we celebrate all aspects of motherhood, we recognize that mothers come in so many different avatars -  younger moms, older moms; working moms, stay-at-home moms; married moms, single moms; moms trying to conceive, moms grieving a loss; moms who adopt, caretakers and guardians who take on the role of being moms; moms who formula feed, moms who breastfeed…the list goes on.
Whatever the profile may be, I wholeheartedly believe one fact to be true - every mother strives to do the best she can. Sometimes, circumstances may get in the way of her intentions, but her heart is always in the right place. Carrying a child in the womb, experiencing childbirth, and nurturing a child is one of the greatest miracles of being a woman; how can love not get manifested in that journey, despite the challenges and obstacles?
This Mother’s Day, please take a moment to raise a toast to all of the “mothers” in your life. More than flowers and expensive gifts, try to gift your words of appreciation, your help, your acceptance, and the words “I’m here for you, mama”. If you are fortunate enough to still have your own mother living, please gift her with your time by calling or visiting her. At least pray for her. 
At edamama, family will always be at our core. Our platform exists to serve families as the bedrock of society. We make decisions and take positions that promote family values and we value family life and every individual’s commitment to their own. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our journey to help parents simplify decision-making and experience joy in raising their families. It took a village for us to get here! 
To our community of edamamas, we appreciate your faith and support in us over the years. We salute you, and will be #here4mama, today and always.
Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Anniversary, edamama!