

Exercising Tips for Breastfeeding Mamas

ByNiño QuizonMarch 17, 2023
mom exercising with baby
Being fresh from having your bean means adjusting to the motherhood lifestyle. It can be exhausting and add to the physical changes that can be felt too. So one way that can boost the energy of mamas is by staying active through exercising. Some mamas already have working out in mind but questions may pop up, right? You may wonder how to make the most of exercising when there are other things going on like the need to breastfeed. Simply follow these tips to improve both your active lifestyle and nursing journey.

Tips for Exercising During Breastfeeding Phase

Start with low intensity exercises
It’s always best for breastfeeding mamas to start with mild and low intensity workouts. High impact workouts may be done but that should wait for now. Allow first your body to recover and cope again to the active lifestyle. Walking is one of the best exercises to stay active and mamas can also do this with their bean. Try walking around outside while taking your bean on a stroller. Regular walks can increase your serotonin levels and improve your feelings and mood besides breaking a good sweat. All while bonding with your bean! For indoor workouts, yogas and stretches can be done to stay active. These exercises are great for starters to not overwork the body too. As you get more comfortable staying active, you can now start strenuous exercises and you can also ask your doctor for guide on starting high level workouts.
Have a healthy diet
Some mamas want to stay active after pregnancy or when breastfeeding to lose weight. But this should not be the priority. Set your mind to have a healthy lifestyle instead. Weight loss may come but it should be made sure that it’s done in a healthy way. Don’t lose too much weight because this may affect your nursing activities. Be mindful of still having healthy meals and consuming enough. Mamas usually still need around 1,800 calories daily to avoid rapid weight loss, lower milk supply, lower levels of necessary vitamins, malnourishment, and weakness. Getting tips from your doctor and nutritionist may be a good way too to ensure a healthy diet plan.
Keep hydrated
Hydration is always key. Always drink your fluids throughout the day. Being hydrated helps your body recover when working out and helps maintain your breastmilk supply. So keep your water bottle with you before, during, and after workouts.
Get a nursing sports bra
Changes may be seen with the breasts after pregnancy so the old sports bras may not work anymore. Get a sports bra tailored for breastfeeding mamas because these give more support and comfort than the usual ones. If you need a recommendation for starters, the Mamaway Seamless Maternity Nursing & Sports Bra may do the trick. Like we said, sports bras made for nursing mamas are suited for the changing breasts and for the support it needs during workouts.
Breastfeeding or pumping before your workouts
One last tip is to try breastfeeding or pumping before doing the exercises. Some mamas may have a hard time or be uncomfortable moving around when the breasts are full. So feeding the bean or pumping before working out is one good trick. This will allow you to be comfortable throughout your exercise routine and make the most of it. Setting up a schedule is a great habit too. You will be able to be consistent nursing the bean or pumping before your exercises.
Post-pregnancy journey can be challenging. But getting the hang of simple adjustments can make a big difference in your active lifestyle. So partner these workout tips with enough sleep and a healthy diet then you can be an active and energetic mama too. In the end, all these efforts will not just be for you but for your bean as well. Keep fighting mamas!
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