Summertime is the season where the kids get their much needed break from school. This means that it’s days and weeks of playing both indoors and outdoors, relaxing in vacations, eating out - basically having fun. But while they are being active during the summer, it’s important to be cautious of different illnesses and injuries they can possibly sustain. The extreme weather in this season can give rise to different situations. The active lifestyle of the little ones during this period can also do the same. That being said, proper knowledge and awareness of these possibilities can give the kids a summer to remember. So here’s the list of the most common illnesses and injuries children can get during the summer and what to do to avoid or remedy them.
Stomach ache or food poisoning

It’s likely that this is not the first thing mamas and papas think of when it comes to illness or injury sustained during the summer. But get this, food poisoning is actually common during the hot season because higher temperature makes it easier for bacteria and germs to grow in foods. This period is really a great way to share and enjoy meals with the family. But improper storage of certain foods or allowing them to be exposed to high temperatures can cause sickness, especially in kids whose stomachs are still developing in terms of strength. Food poisoning symptoms may come in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, or fever.
What to Do: When light symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea have shown, water remedy may be done. Allow the little ones to drink small sips of clear fluids like water, juice, or electrolyte hydration drinks. This will allow them to be hydrated after letting or losing some fluids from the symptoms. But if what they’re feeling seems severe like extreme abdominal pain or fever, it’s best to consult the doctor right away. As for preventive measures, be sure to store food with the right temperature and ensure that meals are cooked properly.
Mosquito-borne diseases

Summertime is usually “unlimited” outdoor playtime for most kids. But this means that they would be exposed to bugs and insects, commonly mosquitoes. These can bring diseases and while there are times when it would not have an effect or show no symptoms, it’s still possible to catch severity. Fever, headache, fatigue, and rashes are the common symptoms of mosquito-borne diseases, especially dengue, which is common in the country.
What to Do: Most mamas and papas use precautionary measures today such as applying lotion or having mosquito repellent patches on the kids whenever they go outside. But if severe symptoms are showing, be sure to let the child stay hydrated and consult the doctor immediately.
Heat exhaustion

Being active and playful under the scorching heat, especially for a long period of time, means the body can get worn out easily. When dehydration and heat exhaustion hits, the kids may experience headache, dizziness, nausea, and even muscle cramps.
What to Do: Make sure that the kids always stay hydrated during the summertime. The recommended eight glasses of water daily can be a big help for them. When responding to heat exhaustion, on the other hand, make sure to take the little one to a shaded and cool area first. Drinking water and applying a wet washcloth to the skin afterwards can bring their temperature down. Allow them to rest too and not go back to activities requiring a lot of movement because ignoring heat exhaustion may lead to severe illness right after such as heat stroke.

Sunburn is very common during the summer since it can be sustained simply by being exposed to the heat too much. Because of this, it’s not only the playful kids that mamas and papas need to be cautious about but also the beans when traveling outside with the family.
What to Do: Aloe vera and cold compress are the common solutions for sunburn to heal faster. But while it can heal naturally, having sunburn can be painful. So prevention is better than cure. Protective clothing, hats, and sunscreen should be used when spending long hours outside under the sun. Extra care should be there for beans too. Make sure umbrellas are present or that they are under shady and cool areas most of the time.
Injuries from physical activities

It’s not bad to let the kids have their fun during the summer. But make sure that safety is also present when it comes to extreme physical activities like riding a bike, scooter, etc. and playing around swimming pools. Fall-related injuries are common during the summer and if preventive measures are not given importance, then these injuries may come out as severe such as concussions or broken bones. And summer wouldn’t be complete without having fun in the waters. But that area may be prone to injuries too such as drowning.
What to Do: Be sure that preventive measures are always taken when it comes to physical activities. Having protective gear is really helpful for kids to avoid sustaining severe injuries from possible falls. And when it comes to playing near the pools, grown ups must always be present around the kids. Not only that, the mamas, papas, or the guardians must always be attentive to the activities of the little ones to avoid water-related injuries.
It can’t be helped for kids to have lots of energy during the summer season. It’s their time to make most of their breaks from school and enjoy moments with their family and friends. But that doesn’t mean safety must be forgotten. Allow them to enjoy the summer as much as they can by avoiding illnesses and injuries that are common during the season. It’s better to have limitations and preventive measures with the activities rather than spend the rest of the summer recovering. So have fun and be safe too with the kids, mamas and papas!