Congratulations on the new baby! Finally, after nine long months, you are now holding the love of your life. You are now carrying and cuddling your new source of joy, and you feel most grateful for such a beautiful blessing.
While this feeling of bliss is something you’d want to hold on to forever, postpartum blues can also easily sneak in, what with the insane amount of changes in your life.
Don’t let that happen, mama. You are not the only new mom who feels overwhelmed, sad, confused, angry, scared. If you are feeling the blues on your fourth trimester, try doing these reminders to change that and to fully enjoy this moment.
1. Remember that preparation is key.
One of the reasons why new moms feel down after giving birth is because they feel they are not fully prepared for this mommy thing. Take prenatal and childbirth classes that can arm you with the knowledge you’ll be needing when the baby arrives.
2. Don't be shy to ask for help and support.
Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs in the world, and the pressure to be the best mom can add to your stress. It’s okay to ask for help, mama! You need not go through the postpartum stage alone. Talk to your partner on how you can work together. Ask a family member (perhaps your mom or a sister) to help look after the baby while you catch up some Z’s. Also, having people around you helping, supporting, and cheering you on is one of the ways to ensure you don’t fall under the spell of postpartum depression.

3. Find time to relax and rejuvenate.
You’ve just given birth to a little human so give yourself a break. Make time for rest or treat yourself to some much-deserved TLC. Complete your spa-mpering session with a self-care package that’s filled with treats such as chocolates, a scented candle, floral bath salts, and more.
The sleepless nights may affect your skin, so invest in good brands, such as Mustela and Morrison Premium, that will help you achieve healthy, glowing, and clearer skin. You can also enjoy a relaxing bath using a dermatologically-tested hypoallergenic body wash.
4. Make your health a priority.
Get moving and exercise. Exercise is proven to be an effective mood booster. There are simple and safe exercises for new moms that will allow you to recover faster and avoid postpartum health woes.
Eat healthy as well, as proper nutrition will help you manage the physical and emotional demands of parenting. For breastfeeding moms, you can take supplements, such as malunggay capsules, to increase your breastmilk supply.
5. Pursue a passion or hobby.
Just because you have a new role doesn’t mean you should neglect pursuing your passion. Start a hobby after you’ve fully recovered—consider this your me time. What about trying your hand in gardening through a DIY garden kit, coloring giant coloring painting pads to make you feel calmer and more relaxed, or learn how to make soap?
6. Indulge once in a while.
It can be hard to squeeze in a snack time when you’re uber busy taking care of a baby. But don’t deprive yourself of life’s simple pleasures. Open that bag of kale chips or have another butter cookie!