Pregnancy is an exciting and extraordinary time. But it is also a challenging chapter in your life—that’s why it’s important to have a strong support system throughout the nine months or so.
Allow your husband or partner to share the load of pregnancy. After all, the learning experiences in this period will help prepare both of you for the many joys and challenges of taking care of a newborn.
From joining checkups to designing the nursery, here are the many ways your special someone can be more involved in your pregnancy.
1. Announce the news of your pregnancy together
Letting your family and friends know of this piece of amazing news is one of the first shared moments you can have as soon-to-be parents. While pregnancy announcements have become more creative in recent years, nothing’s more special than sharing the news with him by your side.
2. Plan the next 40 weeks accordingly
From your first prenatal visit to the day you welcome your little one, there are matters that you need to talk about and agree on. What’s your game plan on which doctor and hospital you’ll have your checkup and give birth in? How will the arrangement be in your full-time job if you have one? Who will take care of the needs of the other kids? Who will be in charge of certain household chores? You need to decide together on all of these.
3. Decorate and prep the nursery
This is probably one of the most exciting things you will do together while you anticipate the arrival of your beautiful blessing. From choosing the overall theme and wall color to adding cute decals like these vinyl wall stickers and buying a crib and bedding set, putting your personal design stamp on your baby’s nursery will surely require teamwork.

4. Accompany you to your doctor’s appointments
Whether it’s for your routine checkup or an important scan, a partner by your side will help relieve your worries and anxiety. Moreover, hearing all the reminders and advice from your OB-Gyne will give him a sense of shared responsibility.
5. Plan the gender reveal party and/or baby shower
Couples who want to share their excitement with their inner circle often do so through a gender reveal party or a baby shower. Let your partner be the main planner of the party, with you only giving some suggestions.
While he’s at it, let him help you organize a gift registry that you can share with family and friends who want to send you a gift but are not sure whether you already have such items or are totally clueless on what to give you and your baby. Here’s how you can create an edamama Gift Registry.
6. Attend prenatal and childbirth classes
Being parents, especially for first-timers, can be terrifying when you don’t know much about what to expect. Prenatal and childbirth classes help arm you with the much-needed information and answer your many questions on pregnancy, childbirth, and life postpartum.

7. Shop for baby essentials
After finding out if you're having a boy or a girl, you’ll soon find yourself browsing through baby stuff. Get your partner’s opinion especially on big-ticket items such as stroller and infant car seat, crib or playard, baby monitor, sterilizers, among many others. You can also let him do some of the shopping for baby essentials!
8. Choose baby names together
Some parents combine their names, others share their preferences and choose which one sounds better. You can do the same too: ask your partner for advice or thoughts on baby names and make sure to agree on it.
9. Be in charge of the hospital bag
Growing a baby inside you and going through all those body changes are enough to make you feel tired, restless, and fatigued almost all the time. So it’s alright if you don’t have the energy to prepare your hospital bag. What about asking him to be the one to do this instead? Remind him to ensure that he packs all the essentials for the baby, for you, and for him during the few days you will all be staying in the hospital.
10. Join your maternity photoshoot
Maternity shoots are not solely for mamas-to-be. With the father also in the photo, it becomes more meaningful and it immortalizes your journey as a couple through all the joys and challenges of pregnancy. Cute candid moments, as well as playful banters between the two of you, are worth documenting.