Decorating the house, buying presents, cooking a sumptuous spread, entertaining visitors, attending get-togethers, making travel arrangements…
With so many things to do during the merriest time of the year, it can easily get overwhelming and before you know it, all that holiday cheer has turned into holiday sneer. For some people, the Yuletide season can be a huge source of anxiety as it seems like they are trying to beat a high-pressure deadline.
If you’re not feeling particularly jolly and jubilant this time of year, it may be time to rethink your situation and find ways to reduce your holiday stress. After all, you don’t want to be the Grinch who stole Christmas from excited little kids and the whole family.
1. Plan ahead.
Nothing is more stressful than having no plans during this uber busy season. Create a list as this can help you organize all information and aid you in decision-making. Make it as detailed as possible, including arranging items on your list according to urgency and priority. Make a gift list and shopping list that will be your guide to buying and budgeting this Christmas season.
2. Find ways to avoid the holiday rush.
If you start shopping as early as October, you will not be caught in the madness that is the holiday rush. All that rushing to accomplish tasks in time for Christmas Day can leave you frantic and frazzled. It can also result in overspending as you aim to finish all that shopping without minding the way you spend. Unfortunately, you will soon find out that the financial burden of the holidays can also be a huge source of stress. So make sure to set a budget and stick to it.
3. Delegate tasks.
Christmas doesn’t just happen by magic. There’s too much work going on to make it merry and memorable. And more often than not, that responsibility falls on your shoulders, mama. But you don’t have to do it all alone. Assign tasks to different members of the family so that the heavy workload becomes bearable. The kids will surely love acting like Santa’s elves and wrapping presents on your behalf. By delegating the holiday prep work, you also teach your children about responsibility and create an opportunity for them to feel a sense of accomplishment.
4. Make your children understand Christmas family traditions.
Christmas is a wonderful time because it brings people together. So no matter how lavish and luxurious the celebrations are, what truly matters is spending this special day with the family. It’s important for your children to understand that family traditions — like the ones you have for Christmas — strengthen bonds and create memories that will last a lifetime. Being in unfamiliar situations can stress kids out so explain to them the reasons behind your Christmas activities.
5. Set boundaries.
Again, you do not have to do it all, mama. If you don’t feel like setting up a Christmas tree this year and opting for a tiny decor on the table instead, that’s totally okay. If you decide on giving gifts to only a select few, that shouldn’t be a problem. You don’t even have to attend every holiday party you are invited to, especially when it affects your child’s sleep schedule. Setting boundaries also applies to your little ones — they don’t have to hug or kiss people in get-togethers if they are not comfortable doing it. This is your opportunity to teach your child about consent.
Christmas is supposed to be a time for good cheer and celebrations. So ensure it stays that way for yourself, your little ones, and the whole family through self-care measures such as sleeping and resting enough, eating right, and all the ways to eliminate or reduce stress mentioned earlier.
Merry Christmas, mama!