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Study Tips for Teens: Ways to Boost Academic Success

ByTrinity MatiasJuly 20, 2023
asian teen boy in online class
Academic success doesn't happen overnight. This requires a lot of determination, perseverance, and extra effort from the student to achieve such a good performance in school. It must be recognized that every student differs when it comes to their study habits. One does not realize its importance until they reach the point where studying becomes extra challenging because of the progressive topics they deal with, the extra-curricular activities they participate in, or essentially the academic workload itself.
As children transition into their teenage years, having effective study habits becomes a must. Learning may be very fun in school but it can go as challenging as it could get. Mamas and papas have the opportunity to give a quick check on how their teens deal with their academic life. This article will help inform parents, as well as their children, what practical strategies they can try to foster effective study habits as they move forward with school.

Arrange a Fixed Study Schedule

One of the first things mamas and papas can help with is encouraging their teens to establish a consistent study routine or a fixed study schedule for a more structured way of learning. Setting a certain time in a day to study promotes discipline and it also enables children to develop a habit of having study or review sessions. This does not mean that mamas and papas should do this daily, but it can also be on a weekly basis just to review what they had discussed in class throughout the week. This will then depend on one’s preference.

Create a Concentration-friendly Study Place

Study sessions are ideally held in a quiet and well-lit area. For an individual who wishes to focus on their homework or do readings, an environment where a lot of distractions are present is the last place they would want to be. In a house setting, mamas and papas may designate a certain space for their children to stay at during their study time. This is a crucial factor for fostering effective study habits because disturbances can hinder a student’s concentration which will make them lose track of what they are studying.

Teach Time Management Skills

One of the most important skills out there, not just for academic purposes but for life in general, is time management. This is indeed a vital skill for teens to boost their academic success as learning this technique can provide long-term benefits. Children would use this skill on days where a lot of homeworks was given, or when multiple tests are coming up. Recognizing the value of time and how they can maximize it will help them avoid procrastination, study efficiently, and better manage their plate.

Promote Active Learning

To help teens remember their lessons, active learning techniques can also help in fostering effective study habits. While at home, children can be encouraged by their parents and other family members to openly share and discuss some of their learnings from school through summarizing key concepts verbally or even through the use of visual aids. This helps in enhancing retention and exercising one’s train of thought.

Introduce the Concept of Breaking Down Deliverables

There may be instances where a huge project should be accomplished in school. It may be overwhelming, but students can be taught on how to break down these big tasks into smaller, manageable steps. This contributes to their well-being as it can reduce stress and encourage a more steady and structured way to accomplish a complex assignment.

Encourage Self-Reflection and Evaluation

Teens should know that there will always be room for improvement. Reflecting about their ways of studying may help them realize what may be working for them and what is not. Reviewing their performance after finishing exams or homeworks will help them adjust their study habits accordingly.

Support Their Study-Life Balance

One of the most important things for mamas and papas to do is to show endless support for their teens’ study-life balance. In this way, teens will be aware that academics is only one aspect of their lives. They should still make time to enjoy their life outside school – may it be socializing with their friends, playing sports, and more.
All of the strategies above can foster effective study habits in teens. Everyone has their own pace to adapt to these practices, so it’s totally fine if it cannot be done in an instant. Showing support and the intention to apply all of these is a good start. It is already a huge step for mamas and papas to help their children boost their academic success.
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