Math is incredibly essential, and it plays a relevant role not only in our children’s academics but also in their everyday life. Without realizing it, our young ones are already using mathematical concepts when they play, from telling time to counting their toys. Math motivates us to find solutions and encourages critical and logical thinking—skills that our children will definitely need in this increasingly fast-paced, technology-driven world.
However, learning Math can be a struggle for some kids, especially when they face difficult and challenging concepts. Help your child become more proficient in the subject and eventually nurture a love for Math by enrolling him or her in any of these enrichment classes that will give him or her the edge to excel.
Unleash your child’s inner Math whiz with Galileo Online Kids’ Early Childhood Program, which offers enrichment classes in Math for pre-Kinder learners. Classes are held by certified early childhood professionals using relevant curriculums aligned with the Department of Education and top schools in the country. Though sessions are currently held online, the low teacher-student ratio will ensure effective learning and kids also receive Math worksheets and access to online class materials.
Class rate: Php4,000/monthly, with a one-time registration fee of Php500 for new students
Singapore Math is highly regarded for a reason, and The Learning Nook knows this too well so they brought the world’s largest Singapore Math enrichment program to the Philippines. Their S.A.M Singapore Math program is recommended for parents who want to expose their kids to intensive Math training. More than just the usual Math lessons, S.A.M focuses on honing a child’s critical thinking, heuristics, and logical reasoning skills among others, giving kids a holistic approach to learning Math. The program is patterned after the Singapore Math curriculum.
Kids undergo a pre-assessment prior to joining the program and rate starts at Php2,800/month, with a one-time registration fee of Php900.

Take your child’s Math classes a notch higher when you decide to enroll them at Galileo Online (GO) Learning Premium. This program uses the Singapore Math curriculum for kids aged 6 to 12. Students attend their classes using their mobile or computer devices, and enjoy a low teacher-student ratio for a more personalized learning.
Singapore Math classes cost Php3,800, with a one-time registration fee of Php500 for new students.
Learning Math can be frustrating for some kids so it’s important to give them special attention. Consider getting a tutor who will focus on your child who can give him or her access to customized learning that’s fit for his or her learning ability and skills. Tutor Lab Manila offers Math tutorial classes designed with a holistic and progressive teaching approach and complete with post-session follow-up and a dedicated and personal learning group chat with your child's tutor so you can monitor his or her progress.
Tutorial services cater to kids aged 7 to 16, and tutors are working professionals who are also teaching in schools.
Another Math tutorial class you can consider is The Learning Nook’s very own Online Academic Tutorial Program. Classes are designed with play integrated in it to ensure that your child is having fun while learning. Tutorial classes are held via Zoom on a one-to-one setup, and rates range from Php250 to Php10,000. Classes are by-appointment only.