
Play & Learn

Why You Should Encourage Your Child to Learn Another Language

ByJerni Camposano-GomezJanuary 6, 2022
foreign languages
In an increasingly globally connected world, children who speak two or more languages have the wonderful opportunity of seeing the world in a different way as well as having a better understanding and appreciation of various cultures. Studies have also shown that speaking a second language helps boost a child’s brain power. 
Want to know more about the many benefits of learning a second or third language at an early age? Read on. 
1. It can improve a child’s mental agility and memory.
Having to memorize new words or sentence structures requires mental agility and the ability to retain and never forget them. That says a lot about kids who know how to speak more than one language. Retaining those foreign words and being able to use them improves his memory and attention—which in turn can benefit him in other aspects of his life.
2. Multilingual kids can be more creative.
Kids who know how to speak at least two languages tend to be more creative and imaginative in solving problems. This is because learning a second language entails understanding new structures and syntax and finding ways to incorporate them in their daily lives.
3. They excel in their academics.
With their improved problem-solving skills and creativity, these youngsters tend to excel academically too. This is because they’re naturally curious and able to learn and master even difficult tasks. 
4. It can boost their self-esteem.
Knowing that they’re able to communicate with people from other cultures or countries can significantly improve their self-esteem and confidence. When they grow older and find themselves in the company of others, knowing how to speak that foreign language will give them a greater sense of autonomy and pride especially if they live or study abroad.
5. These kids develop a deeper, longer-lasting connection with others from another culture.
The earlier a child learns a new language, the longer time he has to practice and use it. Whether they’re being taught Mandarin or French, the language grows on and with them, making them feel more connected to it. Remember, a language is tied to a culture too, so learning it at an early age makes your child more open to other cultures and tolerate diversity more, regardless of their age.
6. They have an enhanced and better view of the world.
Learning another language is like discovering a new universe. They’re not only limited to what they’re normally exposed to, but they also get a glimpse of how another group of people communicates and expresses themselves. This results in your child being more open-minded and more receptive to other cultures.
7. It prepares children for a more competitive future. 
We are now in the modern age of globalization, and those who know foreign languages get that edge in job opportunities, since more and more companies are looking for people who can communicate across different borders. 
Help set the right foundation for your kid’s future and give him or her that competitive advantage  by encouraging your little bean to learn another language. Enroll your future linguist in any of these language classes:
1. Polyglot Language Training: Learn the following languages with dedicated instructors: Chinese, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Hokkien, Turkish, and English enhancement. 
2. The Learning Library: Wika'y Saya: Studying the Filipino language in a more fun way is the goal of this online class that builds vocabulary and listening comprehension through interactive activities. This class is for kids aged 4 to 7. 
3. The Learning Library: Wika’y Galing: Kids aged 7 to 16 are given daily activities to build vocabulary, grammar and comprehension skills in the Filipino language. They also get access to a learning portal with a selection of e-books from Adarna plus online balarila activities.
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