
edamama Voucher Cheat Sheet

We’re bringing great deals and big savings just for you mama. Buy more and save more with these exclusive vouchers and deals. Here’s a cheat sheet of all available edamama, and brand discount vouchers to maximize your savings. Grab these amazing deals along with our FREE SHIPPING daily from July 28-31 no minimum spend for Metro Manila and minimum spend of P500 for Provincial orders.

edamama Vouchers

Offer Mechanics Promo Code Promo Validity
P50 OFF Min. spend of P1,500 FLAT50 Until July 31, 2022
P300 OFF + FREE SHIPPING Min. spend of P1,500. For new users only APP300
P300 OFF + FREE SHIPPING Min. spend of P1,500. For new users only JUL300NEW
15% OFF Sitewide Min. spend P2,000.  CCA15OFF July 28-31 only.
30% Cash back Min. spend P500. Cash back capped at P300.  CCA30BEAN
Terms & conditions: edamama sponsored vouchers are subject to limited redemptions and brand exclusions. (See brand exclusions section for more information)

Consumer's Choice Awards Vouchers

Offer Brand Mechanics Promo Code
₱15 off Kleenfant ₱15 off, min. spend of ₱299 CCAKLN15
₱50 off Tiny Buds, Buds & BLooms ₱50 off, min. spend of ₱999 CCATB50
₱60 off Uni-love ₱60 off, min. spend of ₱600 CCAUNL60
₱65 off Huggies ₱65 off, min. spend of ₱799 CCAHG65
₱75 off Moose Gear Baby ₱75 off, min. spend of ₱750 CCAMGB75
₱100 off Swaddies PH ₱100 off, min. spend of ₱1500 CCASWD100
Bamberry Baby ₱100 off, min. spend of ₱1000 CCABB100
₱150 off Pout Care ₱150 off, min. spend of ₱1500 CCAPC150
₱200 off Studio Maria ₱200 off, min. spend of ₱2000 CCASM200
₱300 off P&G Laundry (Ariel, Downy, Tide) ₱300 off, min. spend of ₱1500 CCAPGA300
P&G Bath & Body (Safeguard, Pantene, Head & Shoulders, Herbal Essence) ₱300 off, min. spend of ₱1500 CCAPGB300
₱500 off Olay ₱500 off, min. spend of ₱2500 CCAOL500
₱1000 off Pampers ₱1000 off, min. spend of ₱5000 CCAPM1000
5% off Little Totts 5% off, min. spend of ₱599 CCALT5OFF
Nobooboo 5% off, min. spend of ₱599 CCANBB5OFF
Studio Maria 5% off, no min. spend CCASM5OFF
10% off Bear The Label 10% off, min. spend of ₱600 CCABT10OFF
15% off Lubie 15% off, no min. spend CCALB15OFF
ChloRelief 15% off, no min. spend CCACR15OFF
Ladouce 15% off, min. spend of ₱200 CCALD15OFF
Paperdolls 15% off, min. spend of ₱750 CCAPD15OFF
Treehouse 15% off, min. spend of ₱750 CCATH15OFF
Womanly 15% off, min. spend of ₱799 CCAWM15OFF
Harper Bridge 15% off, min. spend of ₱2000 CCAHP15OFF
Malabar Baby 15% off, min. spend of ₱990 CCAMB15OFF
20% off Septimyl 20% off, min. spend of ₱400 CCASPT20OFF
ergoPouch 20% off, no min. spend CCAEP20OFF
Mother K 20% off, no min. spend CCAMK20OFF
K-mom 20% off, no min. spend CCAKM20OFF
25% off Mommyplus 25% off, min. spend of ₱700 CCAMP25OFF
Sleepyhead 25% off, min. spend of ₱700 CCASH25OFF
30% off Danni Parcca 30% off, no min. spend CCADP30OFF
Juansie Manila 30% off, min. spend of ₱1000 CCAJM30OFF
Happy hoodies 30% off, min. spend of ₱1000 CCAHH30OFF
Terms & conditions: Brand sponsored vouchers are subject to limited redemptions and minimum spend may vary.

July Brand Vouchers

Brand Offer Mechanics Promo Code Promo Validity

P100 off Min. spend of P999 JULPUR100 Until July 31, 2022.
Oxo Tot P100 off Min. spend of P2500 JULOXO100
Little Steps P100 off Min. spend of P1000 JULLIL100
Bamberry P100 off Min. spend of P1000 JULBAM100
BestCare P50 off Min. spend of P500 JULBEST50
INSPI P50 off Min. spend of P500 JULINSPI50
Grizzly P50 off Min. spend of P500 JULGRIZ50
Cottonkind & Seams 195 10% off Min. spend of P1500. Capped at P150. JULKIND10OFF
Aetrex P500 off Min. spend of P5000 JULAET500
Birkenstock P200 off Min. spend P4000. Applicable to selected Birkenstock items only. JULBIRK200
B Coffee P50 off Min. spend of P500. Applicable to B Coffee capsules only. JULBCOF50
P100 off Min. spend of P900 JULBCOF100
Simply Modular 20% off Min. spend of P2000 JULSIM20OFF
Essa Home Solutions 10% off Min. spend of P2500 JULESS10OFF
Hydro Flask P100 off Min. spend of P2000 JULHY100
Mustela P50 off Min. spend of P1000 JULMUS50
L'Oreal Paris 10% off Min. spend of P800. Applicable to Hair Color items only. JULLO10OFF
Moringa-O2 P50 off Min. spend of P500 JULMOR50
Biolane P100 off No min. spend JULBIO100
Suncoast Brands P50 off Min. spend of P500. Applicable to Skinny Mamas, Cocoxim, and Le Joli only. JULSUNA50
P50 off Min. spend of P600. Applicable to Fineti, Musli, Natrue, Lightwater and Vitamin Boost items only JULSUNB50
Forest Baby P100 off Min. spend of P1000 JULFOR100
Paper Dolls P50 off Min. spend of P499 JULDOLL50
Tree House P50 off Min. spend of P499 JULTRH50
EQ Diapers P50 off Min. spend of P1000 JULEQ50
P100 off Min. spend of P2000 JULEQ100
Unilever P50 off Min. spend of P499. Max 5 user per customer on Unilever brands. JULUNI50
Unilever P100 off Min. spend of P899. Max 5 user per customer on Unilever brands. JULUNI100
Sunbeams P20 off Min. spend of P795 SUNBEAMS20
P50 off Min. spend of P995 SUNBEAMS50
P100 off Min. spend of P1495 SUNBEAMS100
P150 off Min. spend of P1995 SUNBEAMS150
P200 off Min. spend of P2495 SUNBEAMS200
P250 off Min. spend of P2995 SUNBEAMS250
P300 off Min. spend of P3495 SUNBEAMS300
P400 off Min. spend of P3995 SUNBEAMS400
P500 off Min. spend of P4495 SUNBEAMS500
P600 off Min. spend of P4995 SUNBEAMS600

Bank Vouchers

Bank Partner Offer Mechanics Promo Code
EYRHt19sA-HDlhyTFFPoCHbpCNeC5gN_9g 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. Max 10 use per customer. UBP15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. UBP400
Ow3pJxuKxHYSqz_PcqPmaiyfghsbmdcjQw 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. SBC15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. SBC400
QUU-s80eWPoy3SMSeCHwemwekeurRI5H3Q 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. EWPERKS15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. EWPERKS400
RPVjZecpSePGwvtB9zZD_W7Oj0VAZtuBEA 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. CBCMAMA15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. CBCMAMA400
EPfleH9ju97B8K_AdHFQlQoMJtkYJET1hQ 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. RCBC15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. RCBC400
oQYJcYeLQ0ArsfpA4AnolMCL2xEdk5jvaQ 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. MB15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. MB400
N1VlIrVYqqDHxZu4YXCqrhhXkRLjNEHAEA 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. RBANK15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. RBANK400
CLIBT84vPPf52t-4A4Wn11Sr04FDRo4-0A 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. AUB15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. AUB400
xOfkxRT4A8IirGtt7Ie67_QgZK7l9GBz3g 15% OFF Min. spend P3000. Capped at P600. For all users. MAYBANK15
P400 OFF Min. spend P2000. For new users only. MAYBANK400

Brand Exclusions

Sitewide vouchers excludes formula and milk, and products under the Subscribe & Save program. Other brands exclusions are as follows: