UV Care Ultra Germ Zapper
About UV Care Ultra Germ Zapper
UV Care specializes in Air Purifiers that are all equipped with medical-grade H13 HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Absorbing) filters that effectively filters out even the smallest particles in the air, including droplets that carry viruses in the air and also comes with superior UV-C Germicidal lamps that kills bacteria and viruses as it passes thru the air purifier. It is trusted by most hospitals, doctors and homes.
Because virus, germs and bacteria are everywhere, we can’t possible avoid being exposed to them, however, prevention is possible. Regular hand washing is a routine that reduces the risk of acquiring germs and viruses in our hands. While washing or wiping surfaces can’t completely eradicate these harmful foes, UVC sterilization can do that job. Powered by UVC technology, let UV Care help do this for you.
Warranty: 1 year Local Supplier Warranty, 3 months for bulb, 7 days upon receipt for other parts like filters

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