Avent Natural PPSU Premium Baby Bottle 2-pack (9oz)
About Avent Natural PPSU Premium Baby Bottle 2-pack (9oz)
Philips Avent is a baby bottle brand that makes feeding accessories for breast milk and formula, as well as baby cups and other tools for making feeding easier. Philips Avent products are designed to help you keep track of your baby's intake and growth, so you can make informed decisions about the health of your child.
Bottle feeding? We've got you covered. Enjoy the lightweight durability of our premium Natural PPSU baby bottle. Known for its golden color, PPSU gives you both comfort and durability. The material has a high heat resistance, similar to glass, while still being lightweight. The ultra-soft teat is wide and breast-shaped, with a flexible spiral and petals to promote natural latch-on – and make it easy to combine bottle and breast-feeding. The skin-soft teat is designed for a natural feed, with comfort petals that encourage babies to latch on naturally. The flexible spiral design combined with comfort petals promotes a natural latch-on so that little ones can get right down to business eating! This bottle is perfect for combining breastfeeding with bottle feeding – just add water or milk! It's simple to use and clean, quick and easy assembly means that baby will be fed in no time at all—and if things do go awry (which they rarely do), there's an anti-colic valve technology that helps prevent gas buildup in your little one's tummy.

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