

Naturearth Lactokies

Naturearth Lactokies
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About Naturearth Lactokies

Naturearth wants you and your child to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Its wide range of veggie, keto-friendly, and malunggay-based snacks and drinks let you enjoy your favorite snacks guilt-free!

The Naturearth Lactockies is a malunggay-based snack mixed with oatmeal, Hershey's choco chips, and sweet stevia. With its mix of natural and tasty ingredients, Lacktokies can improve lactation, perfect for moms who are breastfeeding their newborn baby. Momma, snacking has never been this healthier – Lacktockies come with vitamin A, iron, calcium, potassium, and beta-carotene!


• Brand: Naturearth

• Material:

• Colors:

• Size: 200g

• Dimensions:

• Shell life:

• Recommended age:


Ingredients: oatmeal, Hershey's choco chips, sweet stevia, malunggay


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